- Regional-, district- up to local-scale exploration
- Core mapping (multi-scales)
- Hydrothermal systems appraisal
- Interpretation on leached horizons and its relationship with secondary enrichment blankets
- Depp understanding about hydrothermal evolution (hypogene and supergene aspects)
- Geological modelling (lithologic, alteration, mineralization, structural)
- Geological modelling in Leapfrog
-Resources estimation
- Cu-Mo and Cu-Au porphyry systems. Practical courses supported by abundant photos and hand-samples
- Surface mapping
- Core mapping (multi-scale, Anaconda methodology).
- Metallogenesis
- Leach capping Interpretation and its relationships to secondary enrichment blankets
- Regional generative programs using multi-layer methodology.
- Geophysical interpretations (Mag, gravity, electric methods, etc.).